Thursday 2 October 2014

Immigration News - October 2014


Threshold of Refusal Rates

The government announced on 29 July 2014 that, from November, institutions that exceed the 10 per cent refusal rate for visa applications could lose their Highly Trusted Sponsor status. This is a significant change and could put a number of institutions at risk of losing their licence.

Veristat offers a range of compliance services to education providers which we would be pleased to discuss further with you. Contact if you would like to discuss further with us.

International Student Recruitment

Universities UK have published a report on the latest trends in international student recruitment to UK universities.

The key points were as follows:
  • Evidence suggests a more positive picture could start to emerge in 2014.
  • There is an imbalance between students arriving from South Asia and those from East and South East Asia.
  • In comparing the top ten markets for overseas students, China, Malaysia and Hong Kong have the highest growth overall.
  • There has been a notable increase in demand from applicants in Saudi Arabia, Brazil and the USA.
  • There is a continued decline in entrants and applications to the UK from the Indian subcontinent. Whereas, data from the United States and Australia suggests they have increased enrolments from both these countries.
You can read the full report here.

Studying under Tier 4: updated modernised guidance

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they consider applications from people to enter or remain in the UK under Tier 4.

The updated modernised guidance can be viewed here.

    Reporting student activity: Tier 4 sponsors

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their step-by-step guide for Tier 4 sponsors on reporting student activity.

    English Language tests: Action taken against education institutions

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their factsheet on action that has been taken against education institutions since June 2014.

    The updated factsheet can be viewed here.

    Curtailment of Leave (Studying in the UK)

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they consider curtailing a migrant's leave in the UK and the process for doing this.

    The updated modernised guidance on curtailment of leave can be viewed here.

    Biometric Information (Studying in the UK)

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they manage an applicant's biometric information.

    The updated modernised guidance can be viewed here.

    HTS applications: updated modernised guidance

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have made minor housekeeping changes to their modernised guidance for how they consider licence applications for highly trusted sponsors under the points-based system.

    The updated modernised guidance can be viewed here.

    Working in the UK

    Right to Rent

    The Immigration and Security Minister, James Brokenshire, announced on 3rd September 2014 that right to rent checks would be launched in Birmingham, Walsall, Sandwell, Dudley and Wolverhampton as part of a phased introduction across the country.

    Further information about the new measures for private landlords can be read here.

    The written ministerial statement by James Brokenshire can be read here.

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have also published guidance for landlords affected by the introduction of the checks.

    The updated guidance and information leaflet can be viewed here.

    Updated guidance on sponsoring Tier 2 or 5 workers

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have published updated guidance for employers on sponsoring workers under Tier 2 or 5 of the points-based system.

    The updated guidance can be viewed here.

    London Business Survey - Skills Shortage

    A joint survey recently conducted by CBI and KPMG revealed that 45% of London's businesses felt there was a skills shortage amongst employees.

    66% of companies, participating in the London Business Survey, reported difficulties in recruiting highly skilled people, such as IT/technology specialists, creative specialists and finance & engineering specialists.

    It also highlighted the need to continue to improve visa service standards, remove the net migration target and reform business visitor visas.

    The full report on the London Business Survey can be viewed here.

    Call for evidence on shortage occupations

    The Migration Advisory Committee has issued a call for evidence for its review of the shortage occupation lists in the UK and Scotland.

    Further information about the MAC's partial review can be read here.

    The closing date for responses is 5 December 2014.

    Points-based system sponsor licensing: renewals

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they renew a sponsor licence and when to renew it.

    The updated modernised guidance can be viewed here.

    Croatian nationals: updated guidance on working in the UK

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their guidance for Croatian nationals on working in the UK.

    The updated guidance can be viewed here.

    Curtailment of Leave (Working in the UK)

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they consider curtailing a migrant's leave in the UK and the process for doing this.

    The updated modernised guidance on curtailment of leave can be viewed here.

    Biometric Information (Working in the UK)

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they manage an applicant's biometric information.

    The updated modernised guidance can be viewed here.

    Restricted certificate allocations (September 2014)

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have published the restricted certificates allocation for September 2014.

    The allocation for September 2014 can be viewed here.

    General Immigration Matters

    Application for UK visa as a returning resident: updated form

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated the form VAF4B used by those applying to come to the UK as someone who was previously settled here and wants to return after some time outside the UK.

    The revised form can be downloaded here.

    Curtailment of Leave (Other)

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they consider curtailing a migrant's leave in the UK and the process for doing this.

    The updated modernised guidance on curtailment of leave can be viewed here.

    Applications to extend leave: fee waiver

    A new form and guidance has been published by UKVI for those applying for further leave to remain but are unable to pay the application fee because they are destitute or due to exceptional circumstances.

    Appendix 1 FLR(FP)/FLR(O) should be used by such applicants to request that the application fee is waived.

    The revised form and guidance can be downloaded here.

    Children of British citizen fathers: Section 65 of Immigration Act 2014

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have published information on how a child can become a British citizen if their father is a British citizen under Section 65 of the Immigration Act 2014.

    Information on Sec.65 of the Immigration Act 2014 can be viewed here.

    Biometric Information (Other)

    UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have updated their modernised guidance for how they manage an applicant's biometric information.

    The updated modernised guidance can be viewed here.

    Veristat Services

    Compliance checks and reducing visa refusals

    Veristat's HTS Health Check is a one or two day objective, external review covering key areas likely to arise during a Home Office visit together with examples of good practice drawn from over 5 years' experience of conducting compliance audits for schools, colleges and universities.

    For further information please contact

    Training for employers

    We are increasingly being asked to provide training on Right to Work and/or Tier 2 sponsor duties.

    These are normally half day courses conducted on your premises for a standard charge of £400 regardless of the number of people attending. If you think your organisation would benefit from training in either or both of these areas, please contact us for a no commitment discussion of your requirements by telephone on 08443351619 or by email at

    LinkedIn 'HR Immigration' Group

    We have set up a 'HR Immigration' group on LinkedIn, which aims to provide a networking space for UK employers and HR/recruitment professionals to share and discuss news and best practice about current UK immigration issues.

    To join this group please go to